For your consideration.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It has come to my realization with increasing clarity, that the motivations of common men and the countries which they inhabit are numerous yet simple. Man wishes to own or share property, he works for health, prosperity, progress, and liberty; he has a powerful propensity to love, he wishes to be part of a greater good, and he wishes to worship freely or have the choice not to.

Throughout history, man has fallen into conflict when these motivations are breached. He has paraded weapons through his streets, boasting arsenals and impenetrable shields. He has conquered and exploited by the puppeteer of greed – taking more than his share of life liberties defined by necessity.

Yet these usurpations against the good of man, by man, have been consciously postulated by the very source and receivers of this paradigm; this consciousness in the face of dissent and overwhelming adversity has led to breaks of refreshing reform, but our militaries continue to drain our capital, our borders proliferate with tensions of hostility, our treaties and conventions dissolve into meaningless filibuster.

Perhaps humanity, by design, is biologically ensnared in a vicious cycle of unforgivable imperfections that are doomed to rocket us toward the bitter end. I find my thoughts at times indispensably hopeless; I acknowledge and genuinely despise the formidable temptation of corruption. But, I refuse to stay silent when our vested interest is to stand firmly on the greatest platform that will outlive the voices of humanity, forever. That platform is Peace. At this time and all the times before and after, Peace is within the heart of every man, a disguised yet unanimous desire for the World over. We must realize strength from our deepest fears.

The answer is abundantly elusive and simple, ironically tangible and difficult. That answer is the platform, Peace. A fool will coin Peace as an ambiguous global concept that does not exist, but it resides in any and every moment all around us on scales infinitely fathomable to any being. Within the spectrum of the universe our conflicts are trivial.

I dare to employ a solution. All nations must enter into an accord of Peace. There will be no strings, addendums, supplements, or any other deliciously seductive synonyms that will clutter such a pure agreement. It will be a uniform acknowledgement of a responsibility to ourselves, the planet, and future generations. It will cure meaningless suffering that floats without regard over borders or into the prejudice to the masses.

Let the variable governments exist without imperialism with respect to life liberties. Any form of resourceful wealth is neither a burden to be horded or to withdraw from, it is a tool to better our kind. Invest the capital of governments not in machines that doom us, but prosper us in the humanities - education, health care, infrastructure, technology – the pride of our evolutionary abilities.
To a Generation;

I open my eyes; and I see. You too, open your eyes; you see. But collectively and together, our eyes are without origin. We are scattered marbles on a floor. Do we see?

In this time we are illuminated, each one of us. Each one of us is within the ability to proliferate ideas - of art, of humor, of love, of hate, of expression. With the functions of technology and the abundance of democratized resources, we are voices in new mediums. We are networked together, and cannot be stopped by a single blow. Destroy one point, and the network will sustain and progressively flourish. Communication is vividly more efficient; we are vividly more efficient. I see means to an end.

It is this, that I see. I see consequence. I see a Burden. But what I see, is that We see corrupt governments. We see corrupt governments proliferate nuclear weapons. We see our climate crumble beneath the industrial plow. We see our medical care fail the sick. We see guns in our businesses, our schools, on our streets. It is this, that you see. You see consequence. You see a Burden.

I see the means to the end. Perhaps, you do too. But collectively and together, our eyes are without origin. Do we see?

Is this generation - not defined - without origin? I see that we are not defined. You see that we are not defined. We have yet to accept our wakening responsibility to a global effort. We are marbles scattered on the floor, stars scattered throughout a galaxy. We are without origin.

We are Blue ink stains on a sheet, ink that has spilled without a form. Must we wait to let the ink dry? Is it not time to define? Is it not time to write? Can we change our formless stain into a vividly more efficient network? Do we have the means? Do we see an end?

This generation is without origin. I see that we are the Blue Burden. Do you see the Blue Burden? Do We see the Blue Burden?